Sunday 12 May 2013

My final

After a few finishing touches i had finally come to my final design for the poster. The changes i had done was to change the font of the colour CUT to white. I then added in black " your way". I added this because i felt that the poster still needed more writing, it felt a bit too plain to the left side. I very much like the contrast between the colour ( black and white) font because it makes the poster complete. The other changes i had done was to take out the brand symbol that was on the scissors. It was important for me to do this because it was a distraction to the poster. I had changed the phrase  "Celebration of Everyday Objects" into a white colour font. This was necessary because it helps stand out, especially when it is next to the thick black handle of the scissors. 
In conclusion i very much enjoyed working on this project.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Experimenting my final.

The aim through all of these photos was to try to capture the right font. I had looked at different types of font for the word CUT and tried to see which one suits best. As you can see, i have decided to place the scissors facing upwards mainly because i like the composition of it 




Trying out different ideas.

From the previous photos i had taken, i worked with each one of them and touched them up. Here are the
few that i liked out of the many i had done.

Add caption

 Out of all of these images, i felt that this image here to the left had a lot of potential in it. I had decided this would be my final, but there was still something missing to it. So what i did was with this photos was experiment with it and try out different ideas.

Friday 10 May 2013

Rough draft of my Final

This is the rought draft of my final idea. The font used for the title i believe will be my final one. The reason why i like this font is because it looks like something one can simply cut out with scissors, for example if we look at the T. The phrase CUT IT, i think completely works with this idea. It is direct and simple. However i may change around where i will put that title.
The curve of the page gives the poster a flow of movement. It also makes it obvious that it is an actual page that is in process of being cut.
The dashed line still remains from the previous ideas. I think it is a great and simple way to portray the idea of the scissors cutting.

What Font to use???

It had come to the point where i needed to pick what font to use for the word CUT. There are a few fonts i had researched however i feel none of these entirely work.

Experimenting with different materials.

On this page i was experimenting with different materials. Working with the word " CUT" i tried writing this on different materials such as ; fabric, paper and toilette paper. The reason why i tried using toilette paper is to see whether it would be better looking or have a different effect.. However i can see there is nothing interesting about this concept. So i have decided to just stick with paper because it is more firm but flowy at the same time.


After my assesments. It came to the conclusion for me that instead of writtind own scissors in a dashed line i should just keep simple a use the word " cut". This word is simple and more direct.
On this page i was working around the idea of having half the scissors covered by a page to be my final. I think with the bottom or top part of the blade of the scissors would be interesting as a display and would give it more of a movement.

Here is another sheet of me trying to experiment where to put the word CUT.
I think the main image in this sheet will be my final because i like how the sheet is flowy and yet still at the same time. I like how the scissors is displayed as well