Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Plastic box with Wires

These two photos displayed here are to portray the idea of wires bulging out from a  limit amount of space. Even thoough the photos are very simple looking the idea behind it i find is stronger. These photos were not touched up.    


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Painting with wires

This piece to the left, i find is one of my favorites. What i did was get a whole bunch of wires and dip it into the paint and smudge it on the the cardbord paper. I like this very much because it does not look forced like there other photos do and it looks alot more chaotic and a good combination of thick and thin lines.

This piece here is origninally from the photo from above but touched up. I very much like the artistic view because the blue emphasises the chaoitc movement of lines.It also stands out alot more from the orange/brown background.

Different lines

After deciding from switching from vibrations to lines, i wanted to explore the different types of lines.This piece to the left i did with a black bold pen. I very much like this piece only because it looks very tribal looking.

 I excuse myself for this photo being dark. but the purpose of me putting this up to only help it contrast to the piece above. This was done in pencil and drawn in a circular motion. I wanted to experiment the different types of lines.

Vibrations to Lines

Its been a while i havnt posted anything lately because i have come to the conclusion that i want to move my idea from vibration line to just lines in a set limit amount of space. I feel that using just "lines" instead of "vibrations" broadens my theme and i can experiment alot more.

Today i worked on big brush strokes trying to give a hint of Christopher Wool's style. These two photos above, are origanlly on a large piece of brown paper. What i did was stick them on the wall and make big swirley lines with a thick and thin paintbrush. I used both oil paints and acrylic, but it made no difference.
 To make it more interesting ive used the two extreme colours, the top one using cold colours, and the bottom one using warm colours. I tried to experiment by using different swirly lines. However i feel i like the Orange/ red piece better because even though the colours are comforting yet there is still chaos to it.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

The box (triangle) wire

Since my theme is about vibrations in a certain limit amount of space, i tried to physically show this. So in this case i got a box (however a triangle shape in the photos) and put different shapes of  vibration lines with the wires. I painted the box red inside to make it more appealing  and to give the feeling that the wires want to bulge out from the box itself, almost like it wants to take over and wrap around everything. I say the red could be connected to the feeling of anger and the blue from the outside would be the calmness of nature outside.This could resemble to my own feelings and im sure to many other people as well. The feeling when you have something trapped inside and you want to express it and the only way to do so is by screaming, in this case making loud noises (big vibratins lines).
This piece can be viewed as just a simple box with just wires inside, but i think there is alot of emotion behind to this idea. It could symbolize freedom, anger or stress. Every person who will look at this will feel differently to other another person, something to which i like to see.





This photo at the bottom is how the box started off as.  I wanted to physically portray wires in a limited amount of space

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Different shapes for Vibrations

                                                                                                  With these two photos below , i wanted to explore the different types of shapes in order to depict the movement of vibrations. They are the two extremes, one with swirley lines whereas the other one is with straight lines.

 <--- This photo was taken from my wall. It is only string stuck onto black paper.
This photo was also taken from my wall. I wanted it to
contrast to the photo above. This is blue pen drawn onto cardboard

Other forms that portray lines for vibrations

Yesterday i came across my roomate making her bed with her after-washed sheets, and saw the similarity the crinkles on the sheets had to my idea of vibrations. I took some photos of this and touched them up. I very much like how by just the shapes of lines can connect to my theme.

Vibration with strings

With these photos i wanted a similar effect it had with the wires but with strings. What i did to some of the photos was to drop them infront of the camera in order to portray the idea of the movement of vibrations.I touched them up so that it gives emphasis to the colour to which i very much liked.

With the photo above and to the left and below was when i droped the wires infront of the camera in order to capture the movement.

This photo to left was to experiment with the focus of the camera.