Tuesday 6 November 2012

Vibrations to Lines

Its been a while i havnt posted anything lately because i have come to the conclusion that i want to move my idea from vibration line to just lines in a set limit amount of space. I feel that using just "lines" instead of "vibrations" broadens my theme and i can experiment alot more.

Today i worked on big brush strokes trying to give a hint of Christopher Wool's style. These two photos above, are origanlly on a large piece of brown paper. What i did was stick them on the wall and make big swirley lines with a thick and thin paintbrush. I used both oil paints and acrylic, but it made no difference.
 To make it more interesting ive used the two extreme colours, the top one using cold colours, and the bottom one using warm colours. I tried to experiment by using different swirly lines. However i feel i like the Orange/ red piece better because even though the colours are comforting yet there is still chaos to it.

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