Saturday 5 January 2013

Back to Swirley lines

Once fashion was out of the way, i quickly went back to my wires and swirls. The sketches on this page were drawn into my sketchbook. I knew for sure that i wanted to explore more with the wire line swirls.So from the sketch here to the left i actually made in 3D. I think this model is the main idea of my project. The twirl lines and the space within each loop.

This was originally on a large sheet of white paper. From far away it looks like there are just random lines, but instead there was a continuous pattern that was repeated throughout the whole page.

<-- This is just a simple twirl drawing starting from the center and begins to move out. This was just a simple sketch in the book that came across my mind when doing these swirley pen motions.

I very much like this bottom piece here. I like the way the tangled lines are compacted in the corner and then slowly releases. Almost like an energy being pushed out. I found a simliar piece of artwork of an artist online, however sadly i forgot his name.

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