Saturday 5 January 2013

Line Drips on Cardboard

What i did here was i got a long piece of card board and stuck to the wall. I dripped glue onto it and let it dry up. This photo was how it looked from the beginning before i added more different lines on top, however this did not succeed. What i did was put more layers of ink lines and then big black strokes. But to my perspective it did turn out nor look well. I was also curious on how the dripping of the glue would be on the cardboard. I thought it would have looked alot stronger and darker but after all this was only an experiment. The task was to show how lines can
be formed on a specific media (cardboard) and space ( the length of the cardboard).

This is just a closer look of the cardboard. As you can see the dripping of the glue is more noticable

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