Friday 4 January 2013

Blobs to Lines

With a vase filled with glue mixed with black acyrlic, i used it on grey paper and flicked it on the page. The idea of doing this was to see how the glue would form by just waving my arm in a certain way. I think this piece connects to my project because i start off with a blob on a page and then i worked it into various lines.
This is same copy of the photo above however it is touched up. I have given it a green effect in order to make it more interesting and have the black line stand out more.

This Bottom paper was done in my sketchbook. I used cooking paper, and did the exact same method as i did to the ones above but made it more in a zig zag motion. Personally i think that this bottom piece strongly relates to my project because it is more defined as a proper line. Even though it has many blobs, there is still a connection from one blob to another,this is what make it a line.

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